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Staff Users


Creating a User Account

To have your own identity in Rebillia, you must create a user account. Luckily, doing so is very simple. Just navigate to https://admin.rebillia.com/login/signin and select your preferred method to create your account.

Once your account is created, you can start interacting with company accounts. User accounts allow individuals to interact with company entities via two methods – creating a company account as the Owner, and/or being invited to an existing company account as a member of the company’s users.

Account Selection

When logging in to a user’s account, Rebillia will display a list of all company accounts this user is an active member of. Simply clicking on a company name will navigate the user into the company’s account.

To exit from a specific company’s interfaces and back to the account selection interface, simply click on the company name on the top-right corner of the screen and select “Switch Account” from the dropdown menu.

User Invitations

To invite a user to become an active member of a company, an already existing member needs to navigate to the “Company Users” interface and click the “Invite Member” button on the bottom of the screen.

To invite a member, all that is necessary is entering the user’s unique email address and selecting the desired user role.

Once an invite has been send, the user will be displayed as a listing in the “Pending Invites” section until cancelled / expired or accepted.

Rebillia’s user account creation process will be engaged when sending a member invitation to email addresses that do not already have a registered user account in Rebillia.

User Roles

To provide compartmentalization control over the software’s interfaces and actions, Rebillia provides multiple access levels with different sets of view/read/write permissions:

  • Owner The person that creates the company account is, by default, the owner, and has full view/read/write access to everything. Also has the ability to cancel their Rebillia account.
  • Admin – Second to the Owner, admin accounts also hold full view/read/write access of the platform.
  • Tech Support – User can view “Subscriptions” and “Product Catalog” tabs. Can also view, add comments to, send, download individual Invoices/Credit Notes.
  • Analyst – In addition to Tech Support level access, user will have access to the SaaS metrics report.
  • Sales Agent – In addition to Tech Support level access, user can change trial end dates and apply discounts on subscriptions.
  • Customer Support – In addition to Sales Agent level access, user can perform all actions related to Customers, Subscriptions, Invoices, Transactions, and Credit Notes, except deleting.
  • Sales Manager – User has Customer Support level access and has complete access to coupons and coupon sets.
  • Finance Executive – User has complete read only access to the site except for Settings. User can also export data and add comments.

Users at role “Owner” and “Admin” are also able to:

  1. Change a User’s Access Level By clicking on the action button next to the user’s details, selecting “Change Access Level” and following the one step overlay prompt.
  2. Revoke Access – By clicking on the action button next to the user’s details and selecting “Revoke Access”.

Note! – Only “Owner” and “Admin” user roles are currently available with our plans. If you require one of the above user roles or want to suggest a new user role, feel free to reach out to your account manager or a Rebillia sales rep

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